Thursday, April 07, 2005
suppose I really shouldn’t let the little things bother me so much, but I do. I’m one of those overly sensitive people depending on the subject matter, anyhow.
I woke up this morning as usual. I didn’t have to be in to work until a little later than I normally go in, so I was able to take my time a little more than I would normally. I was in a pretty good mood for the most part I would say.
Then, while driving to work something happened. I know it wasn’t anything that I could have prevented, and there was nothing I could do to avoid it. A blue jay flew into my windshield as I was driving 55 mph. I guess to most people this would have been no big deal, but it upset me to the point of tears. I’m one of ‘those’ people who would rather wreck my car then hit any animal if I can help it. I realize that there are certain times where it’s just unavoidable and there isn’t much you can do to stop it from happening, but in my mind I had killed the bird and couldn’t get that out of my head. When I was growing up we always had animals in my home, and today I have two cats. I would probably have a couple of dogs if I could afford them, but I can barely afford the kitty’s I have now.
Needless to say, I let this incident ruin my whole day. I got to work and before I went inside, I prayed. I say I let it because as I said before I knew I couldn’t have stopped it from happening. I was snippy to my co-workers and quite impatient with customers. I know, shame on me.
It’s funny how we let such things get in the way and ruin our day. I mean, for someone else it could have been stepping in a muddy puddle while wearing a $500 suit, dropping a toothbrush in the toilet by accident, forgetting important paperwork that is needed for a meeting, whatever. These things happen, we shouldn’t let them bother us, but they do.
It wasn’t until I got home from work I realized that not two days ago I thought about an incident where the same thing occurred to me a few years ago. I had been thinking of writing about some animal issues and for some reason that last incident popped into my head, along with the couple of armadillo’s I have hit in the past. (Come on, those armadillo’s are hard for anyone to miss, especially in a car that is about 2 inches from the road!) Then, the inner voice told me, “It’s not your fault, get over it!”
Happy to say, I’m over it, although I am still sad for the little birdie. I think now that the cold weather is pretty much out of here I’ll put out the bird feeder tomorrow.
Here it is, the 7th of April, and already we have received 18 inches of rain this month. Weather forecasters say that we have already exceeded our average monthly amount of rainfall for the month. The river nearby is still fairly high; however it doesn’t seem to be going over its banks. We are expecting more showers this evening. Mostly the hit or miss type, so no worries there. It would be nice if it would dry out enough so I can get out and plant some flower bulbs I bought a few weeks ago, but it looks like we have another rain system headed our way in a couple of days. The rivers go down a bit, then it rains more and back up they go. I’ll keep you updated on the flooding situation if it arises.
posted by Dovely at 4/07/2005 08:35:00 PM |