Sunday, May 29, 2005
Yeah, I have got the blues, and as you can see I did not go to Tuscaloosa this weekend. Turns out my car didn’t need a new water pump after all. No, no. Much worse. I have a busted head or head gasket. Needless to say, I was pretty much told since my car is 11 years old, has over 250k miles on it, and I have already replaced the head last year, it’s time for a newer vehicle.

That’s all fine and dandy if you can afford one. I don’t make big bucks; I can barely feed myself half the time and now I have to worry about :

1. Not having a down payment for a ‘newer’ car
2. Not having money for a monthly car payment
3. Not having money for increased car insurance and tags
4. Weather my car will make it long enough to try and work all of the above out.

Seriously, if I could afford a newer car, do you really think I would be driving around an 11 year old junker? No way. I’m not even the greedy type, I don’t want anything expensive or stylish. Just a non gas guzzling, 4 door whatever will get me to and from work and wherever my fancy might take me car. Actually, I would really like a Honda Accord, but there is no way on this green earth I can afford that, let alone fix it if God forbid something happens to it.

I’m not so concerned about the insurance thing…I only pay $30 bucks a month. Yeah, 11 year old car and I haven’t had any accidents since I was 18. Well, I have, but none reported to the insurance companies and the one I had didn’t involve any other car but mine and both sides of the bridge in Decatur, Alabama. (Hydroplaned, wasn’t fun!) Anyhow, I figure with my good insurance thing it would only go up $50, maybe. I hope.

Needless to say, while the rest of my family is in Tuscaloosa having fun and playing with the new baby, here I sit, depressed and all alone with a beat up old piece of clunker that is going to die at any moment.

There’s a Hallmark card for ya.

posted by Dovely at 5/29/2005 07:04:00 PM |