Saturday, May 14, 2005
Yeah, I have had an icky Friday. You would think I would be happy it being the last day of the work week, and I was when I finally walked out of the door of work today.

Friday the 13th. Huh. I'm not one to be superstition, but sometimes things just happen to make you think otherwise.

I spilled very hot coffee all over my hand, at the time we are getting our butt's kicked so I really didn't have time to deal with the pain, or anything else for that matter. (No burn marks as of yet, surprisingly.)

Brac closure list, and military pay day, all in one. Um, yeah. I don't know if I mentioned it, but I work about 3 mins from Ft. Rucker, and most of our business is military related. You would think that people don't eat any other time except on pay day.

There was never doubt in my mind that Rucker wouldn't be on the closure list, so I don't see why that was a big deal. I mean c''s a global training facility for army aviation. Not going anywhere anytime soon, I'm guessing. Why our government thinks it is a good idea to shut down any bases at this time is a big question to me. What are they thinking? Yeah, good idea to close down bases when weather or not our president wants to admit it, we are still at war. Iraq won't be the end of it either, North Korea is more than likely next.

My water pump on my car is kuput. Fortunately my wonderful brother in law was kind enough to send me some money so I can get it fixed. I have all the parts, now I just need someone to fix it for me for a cheap rate. I'm pretty car savvy, but I'm not THAT savvy. I can do more than most women, change the tires, oil, spark plugs, check the fluids. I know my car pretty well, so if something goes wrong, I can pretty much tell the mechanic what's wrong with it. I do sometimes use words such as dohicky, and thingamajig, but I figure I know what I'm talking about, so should the mechanic! :)

Not too much else really exciting is going on, at least not that I'm aware of. lol. I just felt like jotting something down for a minuet, but now I'm done.
posted by Dovely at 5/14/2005 10:30:00 PM |