Friday, May 20, 2005
Yes, I know it's very early in the morning. I made the mistake of taking a nap when I got home from work today. Actually I fell asleep on the couch, but the point is that I didn't end up waking up until after 7pm. I guess this is going to be a regular Friday occourence. :)

As you can see I have moved some of the non-faith related items from the Nest here to by new blog site. Keep your eyes open cause some changes will occour. Of course I will just have to create a new look for my new blog. lol.

Well, I know this isn't much as far as having a lot to say, but it is getting about that time where I should force myself to get some sleep. I have a long couple of days ahead of me. Chores tomarrow and Sunday hopefully my car will be getting a much needed water pump.

peace out.
posted by Dovely at 5/20/2005 10:46:00 PM |