Thursday, July 07, 2005
I don’t understand why there is so much hate. I don’t understand why there are some who hate so much that they are willing to sacrifice there own lives in order to hurt people that they really don’t know or understand.

I disagree with a lot of issues, that doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and bomb a building, bus, or subway in order to get my point across. I disagree with the way a lot of people choose to live there lives, but I won’t hurt another soul putting my own at stake.

I have to wonder if these terrorists really think the damage they are doing is really going to produce the results they are looking for. If you don’t like the way the world does things, than go someplace in the desert, or wherever the hell you want and start your own utopia, leave everyone else alone who doesn’t agree with the way you think or live.

I’m an American, and proud to be. I have never been to London, but my heart aches for every soul that was lost today, my heart goes out to those families who were affected. I’m angry and saddened. I just want all this hatred and evil to stop, but I know it won’t. It’s not over.

I will keep praying for this world that is destined to destroy itself. I will continue to love my neighbors, even those who wish me harm. I will keep living even though there are those out there who may want to do me harm.

Here is a message to you ignorant, non feeling, sorry piece of crap terrorists:

You can bomb our buildings, planes, and subways. You can try and take away our freedoms, and try to hurt our families and friends. You can try until the end of time to achieve your goals, but YOU WILL NOT SUCSEED. WE WILL SURVIVE, NO MATTER WHAT BECAUSE WE ARE STRONGER THAN YOU ARE!!!!! We will not allow you to fill our hearts with fear, and we will not stop hunting you down until every last one of you is gone.

"Never give in. Never give in. Never. Never. Never." --Winston Churchill
posted by Dovely at 7/07/2005 07:50:00 PM |