Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Yeah, it’s raining, thunder storming, and threats of tornadoes are in the midst. I find it to be no big deal, but I suppose if you weren’t from these parts, it would seem a bit scary. If you live here for any amount of time you sort of get used to the thunder storm warnings, tornado watches and the like, it’s a pretty regular occurrence. In comparison, people who live up north are rather used to the snow, whereas down here we would not only be in shock, but all of our roads would be closed. The state would be closed. Lol. Believe it or not, but it has happened. I wasn’t here when it did, but it was such a big deal that you can go into some restaurants in Tuscaloosa and they have newspaper clippings hanging on the wall. There are two malls in Tuscaloosa, one fairly close to the highway. The parking lot was packed with semi trucks because they had no other place to go and the roads were so bad that they just couldn’t drive any further. The state shut down the highways and roads, no work, no school, no nothing. The next day it melted of course. Snow doesn’t last for any amount of time in Alabama.

I live about four hours south of Tuscaloosa, so the chances of that ever happening down here are slim to none. I think in the last 10 years I have seen flurries once, and woke up one morning with snow on my car, but it didn’t stick to the ground. Last Christmas I went to my sisters, she lives about 45 min from New Orleans, and go figure, I saw snow, and some actually stuck to the ground. (On Christmas Day, no less!) I don’t understand it, but they got no snow here, however there was a pretty bad tornado touch down in Montgomery, I believe.

And what joy, hurricane season is just around the corner. It’s supposed to be another above average year as far as hurricanes. I have to wonder if the area I live in is going to be as lucky as it has been. I was here for Opal, and that was no picnic, I can’t imagine anything stronger than her coming through here and if it did we would be talking major damages. As it was with Opal, we didn’t have power or water for almost a week. Power lines were down everywhere, our next door neighbors had a tree go down in their backyard, missed their house by maybe a foot. You have to understand, we live about 45 minuets from Panama City, so if they get hit, we will too and although it may not be as bad as when it hits them there, it’s still going to be pretty rotten, of course this is depending on the size of the storm too. The eye of Opal went right over Enterprise, and you know the saying, anything east of the eye is going to get wapped, well, we got pretty wapped. It wasn’t as horrible as I thought it would be, fact, my parents went to bed right in the middle of the storm. I sat up for a few hours and listened to the radio before I finally fell asleep. I think the worst is when it happens at night, you never know what you are going to wake up too.

How I got all on this weather kick, I don’t know. Lol. I was actually doing some spring cleaning and decided to take a short break. I suppose I should get back to it, otherwise I will never finish all I had intended on doing today. I think the rain is making me lazy because really all I want to do is go crawl back into bed and take a nap. Lazy Daze.
posted by Dovely at 5/04/2005 03:43:00 PM |