Sunday, April 24, 2005
Just a note to let all know that I am indeed feeling a bit better. At least the pain isn’t as constant, just a flash here and there. I can probably deal with that. Seems as if it gets worse throughout the day for whatever reason.

If you were interested in reading my sister’s screenplay, sorry, she asked that I take it down. Seems that it was highly accessible without even visiting my pages at all, and she of course is concerned that it will fall into the hands of a not so nice person. I don’t blame her at all, so naturally I have taken it down. I am considering making a password protection area for download of it, but it would require emailing me for information. I’m not sure how many people out there would want to go through that much trouble just to read a GREAT screenplay. Yeah, yeah, she IS my sister, but it’s really good! Any takers out there let me know and email me.

Well, I have a lot of ‘online’ stuff to take care of today. I’m trying to update one of my other pages and it’s been quite a chore getting things to work the way I want them too. It’s very frustrating because I’m one of those highly creative people, unfortunately I no very little about coding html. (In comes the frustration.) I’m naïve enough to think if I can envision it to be one way than I should be able to make it that way. It’s not that easy. Needless to say, what I thought would be a relatively easy job has turned out to be a pile of a mess!

I eventually plan on revamping this site also. I used Trelix to create this site, and while I like the functionality and ease of use, I don’t particularly like some of the limitations, or design. Yeah, I’m too creative for my own good, I want my own design!

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. It’s beautiful here in good ol Alabama! I think I will barbeque up some chicken and make some potato salad for good measure. Mmm. J
posted by Dovely at 4/24/2005 12:53:00 AM |