Sunday, July 17, 2005

Yeah. Very Hot. Very Humid. Today's wonderful tempreture? 97 degrees. Heat Index? 103 degrees. Air condtioning? No.

Wish I could say I'm too cheap to run it, but the fact is I just plain can't afford to run it. My last electric bill was a mere $75, and that was from running it maybe a total of four days. Imagine what it would be if I ran it everyday!

Most of the time with the fans running it's not too bad....

But then there are those days like today when all you can do is pray for a sudden snow storm in hopes that it will cool it off to anything around 80ish.

Now factor in yardwork....

Push lawn mower.....

And the backyard the size of a football field.
Ok, so it's not that big, and thankfully it's not hilly, but it's still not fun when you are pushing a lawnmower in 103 degree heat and humidity.

Both pictures are of just the back yard, and I'm standing next to the house where the fence starts.

Needless to say, I think I may have hurt myself between the mowing and picking up all the debris from Dennis. I only finished mowing the part in the above picture and picking up most of the tree limbs from the higher picture before I had to quit, come in the house, turn the a/c on, take a cold shower and then passed out for two hours. I was just going to lay down for a min....

I'm thinking of starting a riding lawnmower fund..... :) BTW...that pile in the first picture, that is bigger than it looks and not all of it is from Dennis, but most of it is.

Hope everyone has a great week. I don't know how much I will be posting because I'm working on making a pillowgahn. Any crocheters out there will know what I'm talking about, and if you aren't one, well, I will post a picture when I'm done. toodles!
posted by Dovely at 7/17/2005 11:54:00 AM |


At 7/17/2005 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I can remember those really hot days when I lived in Dotham City AKA Dothan.

BTW War Eagle!