Tuesday, April 19, 2005
When I was growing up I remember watching the original Star Trek series. Then there was the standing in line going around the movie theatre to see the first Star Wars. (Yes, I’m THAT old.) Then there was E.T. I still have a hard time seeing Drew Barrymore as an adult. I’ll always see her in my mind as that cute little girl from E.T. Evidently my father’s affliction with science fiction has passed down to a couple of his children because my sister and I are totally into it to this day. How many out there remember the original Battle Star Gallictica or Buck Roger’s in the 21st Century? I do, watched them both when I was growing up. My how science fiction has evolved. When I was a kid I thought the special effects were phenomenal, but if I were to watch any of those shows now I would find them inane compared to what we are used to seeing from sci-fi now. My opinion is you can never have too much sci-fi. How I miss the sci-fi channel. *sigh*

This afternoon, while I was on my break I read an article about celebrity bloggers. The article talked about how celebrities are now making their way to their own blog pages, so when I got home from work today, I decided to check some out. I didn’t check them all out, although there aren’t really that many to begin with. The few I went too were rather; let’s just say more for publicity than blogging. I imagine there are a great deal of people out there who want to know what it was like to make a movie, I’m not one of them. I want to know what is behind the actor/actress/writer/director. I have to say I didn’t find much substance in what I saw.

I then stumbled onto the Forbes magazine website that listed the best celebrity blogs. The number one rated celebrity blog was Wil Wheaton, so I checked it out. If you don’t know who Wil Wheaton is, you may remember him from the movie “Stand by Me” or Star Trek Next Generation. (He played Wesley Crusher.) I am highly impressed by his blog. It’s very thoughtful, insightful, and he’s pretty funny too. Ok, so I’m not much into the whole poker thing, but I read some of the postings from his archives and I enjoyed reading what he had to say. He updates his blog daily, runs the site himself and is in the process of revamping the website. I highly encourage you to check his blog out here. He certainly doesn’t need me sending any viewers his direction, he evidently gets quite a few hits without any help from anyone, but I found it interesting, and I think other’s will also. I didn’t check out any of the other celeb sites that were listed yet, but if you’d like to check them out you can at the link I provided above.

Ok, so this wasn’t entirely about sci-fi, but I guess you can see where it went. Lol. I have to go the long way around to get to anything sometimes. I’m working on making another link page that I am calling ‘blinks’ that will link to other blog pages that I like. On that same page I will be including a couple of banners that folks out there can add to their blogs, if by chance anyone happens to like what I have to say.

I had a pretty lousy day at work today. Lost my temper with a kid I work with because of his tendency to be a smart mouth. It takes quite a lot to tick me off to the point of no return. I usually let things like that slide off my back, but for whatever reason today it just wasn’t going to happen. Probably due to build up, because this kid is just so disrespectful that he tends to irk me on a daily basis. Not like I’m the only one, it’s only Tuesday and so far he’s had a shouting match with at least two of us so far this week. Ok, I didn’t really shout, I raised my voice a bit to the point that my boss had to come and get me out of the situation before I went back and choked the life out of the little puke. I have only ever lost my temper one other time like that at work in the six years I have worked there. I didn’t get in trouble for it. My boss knows me well enough to know that I don’t just go off like that for no reason at all, weather anything was said to him about it, I don’t know; I was told to take my lunch and cool down. In most cases when I get that mad, I try to calm myself down and then talk to the person about it one on one. Well, he had been nagging at me for the better part of the day, and I just couldn’t take his disrespect for me or my customers any longer. I have asked him for the better part of a month (since he started) to speak to me with respect, because up until today I did the same to him, weather or not he deserved it. (And in most cases he did not.) It just really annoys me that some kids today think its ‘cute’ to be disrespectful. It’s not cute. It’s ugly.
Yeah, I know, I was ugly also, and I shouldn’t have done what I did no matter how much he deserved it. Of course I didn’t start feeling guilty about it until after I cooled off. Bad part is that I don’t think it would have made a difference had I spoken to him one on one rather than airing it in front of other employees and customers. He probably would have made it a point to be even more disrespectful is my guess. I don’t imagine he’ll be around too much longer, so I suppose I shouldn’t worry about it. All I can do is pray that the Lord will lift this burden from me, and I know he will.
posted by Dovely at 4/19/2005 10:51:00 AM |