Monday, August 29, 2005

Throughout today I have heard updates from customers about what has been going on along the gulf coast that has been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Much of the news was not good, however until I got home and was able to watch the news I had no idea how devastating the damage is.

There are thousands of people from Mobile to New Orleans that are going to be displaced because the damage is so horrendous that they have probably lost everything that they were not able to bring with them when they evacuated.

I talked with many evacuees today who were fearful they wouldn't have much to go to home to, and unfortunately they are probably correct in that assessment. All of the area hotels and motels around here are packed with evacuees, and a shelter was open in Dothan to accommodate those who were not able to get a room anywhere.

These people are going to need a lot of help over the next few weeks, not only financially, but spiritually as well, I am sure. While I am sure most of us have been praying that the worst wouldn't occur, it has, and we all need to show these folks the love this country has for their fellow Americans.

Please visit one of these websites and make a donation to help out the hurricane victims throughout the gulf. They need your help, and if you can give it, please do so.

The Salvation Army has readied vans to feed the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The American Red Cross will be accepting donations and you can contact your local Red Cross office, call 1-800-Help-Now, or visit here. Also keep in mind, there are going to be many that are injured, so please take the time and donate some of your much needed blood.

On a personal note, I spoke to my sister last night and she/family arrived in Tuscaloosa at 11pm after spending close to 12 hours on the road. According the news reports the area where she lives is flooding and showed footage of a shed floating around in the flood waters. :( My sister-in-laws folks are also going to have severe water damage as the area where they live have homes with water above waist high. The important thing of course is that they are safe and although I'm greatly saddened at the losses they and many others will be experiencing, I'm grateful that they were able to get away from the storm. Lives cannot be replaced, but things can.

God Bless all of you and I sincerely hope your family and friends are safe and well.
posted by Dovely at 8/29/2005 03:17:00 PM |